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1.1.        Applicants wishing to obtain a “Provisioning of Telecommunication Services over NTN Permit” will have to provide the CITC the following information, and all required documents and information shall be in Arabic. Supporting documents (if any) may be submitted in English:
1.1.1.   Submit the application through the electronic licensing system.
1.1.2.   Have a general class license with at least six months validity.
1.1.3.   Submit a valid commercial registration in the Kingdom with at least three months validity and indicating the activity of the service permit.
1.1.4.   Provide a brief description of the company profile and operations.
1.1.5.   Provide a brief description of the services to be provided in the Kingdom.
1.1.6.   Comply with the regulatory requirements of providing the service.
1.1.7.   Pay the applicable fee, as defined in the “Regulations of Fees for Telecommunication Services” published on CITC website, through SADAD payment system within a month from the date of issuing the invoice.

1.2.        Submit, for services that are to be provided to the public, the following:
1.2.1.   Proposed price plan for end-users
1.2.2.   Brief description of the proposed approach to customer care and after-sales services, monitor service performance, and billing procedures.
1.2.3.   Expected date for launching services.
1.2.4.   Expected number of subscribers, and their geographical distribution
1.2.5.   Submit the application for the use of numbering resources, if applicable.
1.2.6.   Submit a copy of the final agreement with the registerd satellite capacity provider at CITC, if the services to be provided require the use of satellite capacity, unless the applicant and the satellite capacity provider are the same.
1.2.7.   Submit a proof that the satellite provider has been registered at the CITC to provide a capacity over the Kingdom.

1.3.        Applicants wishing to obtain a license for the provision of personal mobile communications via satellite services additionally must submit a copy of the legally binding agreement to provide personal mobile communications via satellite services between the applicant and the operator of personal mobile communications systems and networks via satellite; indicating at least, the following:
1.3.1.   Names of the signatories according to the commercial register
1.3.2.   Duration of the agreement and its possibility of renewal
1.3.3.   Details of the roles and responsibilities of both parties
1.3.4.   The nature of the services provided.

1.4.        Streamlined procedures for service providers who also operate Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN):
1.4.1.   Applicants wishing to obtain a provisioning of operation services of NTN permit together with a provisioning of telecommunications services over NTN permit may request both in the same application submitting the documentation and information in this document and the “Regulations for Provisioning of Operation Services of NTN”.
1.4.2.   Holders of a provisioning of telecommunications services over NTN permit wishing to obtain a provisioning of operation services of NTN permit may apply before the CITC at any time to be issued the permit. CITC will define a streamlined procedure providing the additional documentation and information and do not have to undergo the entire procedure.

1.5.        The application process would be conducted as follows:
1.5.1.   After submitting the application through the electronic licensing system, the application will follow the standard procedure and SLA for the electronic licensing system.
1.5.2.   Any change occurred during the consideration of the application, regarding the information submitted when applying must be immediately notified to the CITC.
1.5.3.   All issued General Class Licenses and associated permits will be published on the CITC website.
1.5.4.   The Arabic version of the License shall be the official version and in case of​ any differences between the text of the official version written in Arabic language and a translation into another language, the Arabic version shall prevail.

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