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ProjTitle.icon 7. International Coordination of Frequencies of Broadcasting Services

7-1 CST registers frequency assignments and lists them in the ITU Master International Frequency Register (MIFR). Recorded frequency assignments are granted international recognition that protects them from harmful interference. Uncoordinated assignments shall not cause harmful interference and shall not require protection against harmful interference from a station operating in accordance with the relevant provisions. CST, in coordination with the General Authority for Audiovisual Media (GCAM), reviews the BR International Frequency Information Circular (BRIFIC) issued by the International Telecommunication Union to protect the Kingdom's internationally coordinated assignments  in the Master International Frequency Register and Broadcasting Plans from harmful interference in accordance with the provisions of the Radio Regulations and regional agreements.
7-2 International and regional agreements and treaties that are binding for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as regards radio broadcasting services must be adhered to, as follows:
7-2-1 Radio Regulations: Radio regulations issued by the ITU.
7-2-2 Geneva Convention 1975 (GE75): covers low-frequency broadcasting in Region (1) and medium-frequency broadcasting in Regions (1) and (3).
7-2-3 Geneva Convention of 1984 (GE84): covers sound broadcasting using VHF in Region (1) and part of Region (3).
7-2-4 Geneva Convention 1989 (GE89): Covers television broadcasting using VHF/UHF in the African Broadcasting Area and neighbouring countries. Subsequently revised at the Regional Radio Conference held in parallel with the Regional Radio Conference-06.
7-2-5 Geneva Convention 2006 (GE06): Transfer of assignments from the GE89 Plan in the bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz to the GE06 Plan, resulting in the development of an analogue plan alongside the new GE06 digital plan.​

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