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ProjTitle.icon G) Proposed amendments to the Instructions on the Price Stabilisation Mechanism in Initial Public Offerings compared with the current provisions

Instructions on the Price Stabilisation Mechanism in Initial Public Offerings


Proposed Amendments



Instructions on the Price Stabilisation Mechanism in Initial Public Offerings


Part 1: Preliminary

a) The purpose of these Instructions is to regulate the price stabilisation activities on shares of companies newly listed on the Exchange after the initial public offering, and to regulate the price stabilisation activities after the secondary public offering and the secondary offering in the Parallel Market.

b) These Instructions shall not prejudice the provisions of the Capital Market Law and its Implementing Regulations.

Part 2: Definitions


c) For the purpose of implementing these Instructions, the following expressions and terms shall have the meaning they bear as follows, unless the context indicates otherwise:


- Price Stabilisation Mechanism: A mechanism that contribute to the price stabilisation of the newly listed shares on the Exchange or shares of a listed company in the case of the secondary public offering and the secondary offering in the Parallel Market, by means of Over-Allotment, and where all or any of the following transactions are conducted:

  1. Borrowing a number of shares from lending-shareholders prior to the initial public offering, in an amount not exceeding the number resulted from the maximum limit allowed for Over-Allotment.



-   Over-Allotment: A process upon which a number of additional shares is allocated to the shares offered for subscription. Such shares are borrowed from the lending-shareholders and sold to the public or to qualified investors during the initial public offering at the subscription price, in accordance with the over-allotment agreement.


-  Purchase Option: A contractual option whereby the price stabilisation manager is granted the right to buy an amount of shares not exceeding the amount of the shares included in the Over-Allotment at the subscription price in the initial offer period, during the price stabilisation period or after its end.


-  Price Stabilisation Period: A period of time for the Price Stabilisation Mechanism that is agreed upon between the price stabilisation manager and the issuer or the price stabilisation manager and the selling shareholder in the secondary public offering or the price stabilisation manager and the selling shareholder in the secondary offering in the Parallel Market, provided that such period shall not exceed (30) calendar days from the first day of listing the shares on the Exchange or the first trading day following the date of completion of the secondary public offering or secondary offering in the Parallel Market.


Part 3: General Provisions

a) The maximum amount allowed for an Over-Allotment shall not exceed 15% of the number of shares offered for subscription in the initial public offering.

b) The issuer shall, in case of conducting a Price Stabilisation Mechanism, disclose the following in the prospectus:

  1. Maximum number of additional shares to be over-allotted in accordance with the Over-Allotment agreement.
  2. The Price Stabilisation Period.
  3. Any other restrictions imposed by the issuer or the underwriter on the price stabilisation manager.
  4. The price stabilisation manager.

c) The selling shareholder in the secondary public offering and the selling shareholder in the secondary offering in the Parallel Market shall – in case of conducting the Price Stabilisation Mechanism – disclose the following in the secondary public offering document and the secondary offering document in the Parallel Market:

  1. Maximum number of additional shares to be over-allotted in accordance with the Over-Allotment agreement.
  2. The Price Stabilisation Period.
  3. Any other restrictions imposed by the selling shareholder or its financial advisor on the price stabilisation manager.
  4. The price stabilisation manager.


    Part 4: Obligations of the Price Stabilisation Manager


    e) Starting from the first day of listing the shares on the Exchange and the first trading day following the date of completion of the secondary public offering or the secondary offering in the Parallel Market, the price stabilisation manager must disclose to the public at the end of every fifth trading day and until the end of the Price Stabilisation Period the details of all price stabilisation transactions it conducted, including the disclosure of the amount of shares purchased and the price range of such shares.


    Part 5: Exemptions


    c) For the purposes of implementing these Instructions, the lending-shareholders shall be waived from the obligations and restrictions stated in Article 23 and Article 24 of the Merger and Acquisition Regulations and paragraph (a) of Article 87 and Article (59) and Paragraph (t) of Article (109) of the Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations.

It is suggested to amend the name of the Instructions on the Price Stabilisation Mechanism in Initial Public Offerings, and amend Parts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) thereof to include in its provisions the cases of secondary public offering and secondary offering in the Parallel Market.​

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