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Article 4:

  1. Applications for registration in the list of practicing lawyers shall be submitted electronically, accompanied by the documents and papers specified by the competent department.
  2. The Lawyers Registration and Admission Committee may, in order to achieve its tasks, request any documents or papers necessary to verify the availability of the license conditions, and the applicant must complete them within a period not exceeding (30) days from the date of being notified of this, otherwise the application shall be deemed null and void.
  3. The lawyer shall be registered in the list of practicing lawyers, and the license to practice the profession shall be issued in accordance with the approved form upon payment of the license fees.​
  4. In the event of rejection, the applicant shall be notified of this, and he may submit a new application after completing the application or addressing the reason preventing acceptance.

Article 5:

The list of practicing lawyers includes the following data:

  1. Lawyer's name and contact details.
  2. License number, date, and expiry date.
  3. The place of practicing the profession.
  4. Penalties issued against the lawyer, if any, and their causes.
  5. Any other data specified by the competent department.
 The lawyer shall notify the competent department of any change in his data within a period not exceeding (15) days from the date of the change. 

Article 6:

The application for license renewal shall be submitted before its expiry for a period no less than (90) days​ and not exceeding (180) days from the date of its expiry. The application for license renewal shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions and procedures governing its issuance stipulated in the Law and the regulation. 

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