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ProjTitle.icon Chapter 3: Responsibilities for Protection and Safety

Section 1: General Responsibilities

1.       The authorized person or any responsible person for the activity or at the facility,  shall have the prime responsibility for protection and safety, which cannot be delegated.

2.       Any responsible person for the management of an existing exposure situation or  involved in the emergency situation shall have specified responsibilities for the application of relevant requirements specified in this regulation.

3.       The authorized person and any other person accountable for any practices shall be responsible for:

(a)    Establishing a radiation protection program that is appropriate for exposure situation that:

  1. Adopt objectives for protection and safety in accordance with the requirements of this regulation;
  2. Apply measures for protection and safety that are commensurate with the radiation risks associated with the exposure situation that ensures compliance with the requirements of this regulation.

(b)    Implementation of the radiation protection program that ensures:

  1. Measures and resources necessary for achieving the objectives for protection and safety have been determined and are duly provided;
  2. Program that is periodically reviewed to assess its effectiveness and its continued fitness for purpose;
  3. Any failures or shortcomings in protection and safety that are identified and corrected, and steps are taken to prevent their recurrence;
  4. Any concern that is related to radiation protection and safety are addressed;
  5. Appropriate records are maintained.

4.       The authorized person and any other person having responsibilities in relation to protection and safety shall ensure that all personnel engaged in activities relevant to protection and safety have appropriate education, training and qualification, so that they understand their responsibilities and able to perform their duties competently, with appropriate judgment and in accordance with the approved procedures.

Section 2: Management System

5.       The authorized person and any other person having responsibilities in relation to protection and safety, shall ensure that protection and safety are effectively integrated into the overall management system of the organizations for which they are responsible.

6.       The authorized person and any other person accountable for the operation of the facility shall demonstrate commitment to protection and safety at the highest levels within the organizations for which they are responsible for.

7.       The management system shall be designed and applied to enhance protection and safety that:

  1. Applies the requirements for protection and safety coherently with other requirements;
  2. Describes the planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that the requirements for protection and safety are fulfilled;
  3. Ensures protection and safety are not compromised by other requirements;
  4. Provides for the regular assessment of performance for protection and safety, and the application of lessons learned from experience;
  5. Promotes safety culture;
  6. Establishes clear lines of responsibility, authority for decisions on safety and accountability for protection and safety for the sources for which they are authorized;
  7. Ensures that problems affecting protection and safety are promptly identified and corrected in a manner commensurate with their importance;
  8. Establishes organizational arrangements and lines of communications that result in an appropriate flow of information on safety at and between the various levels in the entire organization of the authorized person.

8.       The protection and safety elements of the management system shall commensurate with the complexity and the radiation risks associated with the activity.

9.       The authorized person shall establish procedures for reporting on and learning from accidents and other incidents.

Section 3: Safety Culture

10.   The authorized person and any other person having responsibilities in relation to protection and safety shall promote and maintain a safety culture through:

  1. Inculcating individual and collective commitment to protection and safety at all levels of the organization;
  2. Ensuring a common understanding of the key aspects of safety culture within the organization;
  3. Providing the means by which the organization supports individuals and teams in carrying out their tasks safely and successfully, with account taken of the interactions between individuals, technology and the organization;
  4. Encouraging the participation of workers and their representatives and other relevant persons in the development and implementation of policies, rules and procedures dealing with protection and safety;
  5. Ensuring accountability of the organization and of individuals at all levels for protection and safety;
  6. Encouraging open communication with regard to protection and safety within the organization and with relevant parties, as appropriate;
  7. Encouraging a questioning and learning attitude and discouraging complacency with regard to protection and safety;
  8. Providing means by which the organization continually seeks to develop and strengthen its safety culture.

Section 4: Human Factors

11.   The authorized person and any other person accountable for the operation of the facility, shall take into account human factors, support good performance and good practices to prevent human and organizational failures.

12.   Sound ergonomic principles in the design of equipment and the development of operating procedures shall be ensured to:

  1. Facilitate the safe operation and use of equipment;
  2. Minimize the possibility of operator error that could lead to accidents; and
  3. Reduce the possibility that indications of normal conditions and abnormal conditions to be misinterpreted.

13.   Appropriate equipment, safety systems and procedural requirements shall be provided to:

  1. Reduce, as far as practicable, the possibility that human errors or inadvertent actions that could give rise to accidents or to other incidents leading to the exposure of any person;
  2. Provide means for detecting human errors and for correcting them or compensating for them; and
  3. Facilitate protective actions and corrective actions in the event of failures of safety systems or failures of measures for protection and safety.


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