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Chapter One
Definitions, Objectives and Scope
Article One
The following words and phrases, wherever mentioned in this Law, shall have the meanings assigned to each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:
Law: Space Law.
Implementing Regulations (Regulations): Wherever mentioned herein, it shall mean the set of rules, directives, procedures, requirements, and standards issued by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission to implement the provisions of this Law.
Kingdom: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Commission: Communications, Space and Technology Commission.
Agency: Saudi Space Agency.
Board: The Commission's Board of Directors.
Board Chairman: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Commission.
Governor: Commission Governor.
Territory: The land territory and territorial waters subject to the sovereignty of the Kingdom and the airspace above it, including any area enjoying special economic status.
Committee: The Committee for Resolution of Space Law Violations.
Airspace: Any area beginning at mean sea level and reaching the maximum possible limit for air traffic control.
Outer Space: The area above the Earth's atmosphere.
Space Operations Area: Any area above eighty kilometres or more than the mean sea level.
Space Object: An object that a person makes, launches, or aims to launch into the Space Operations Area or Outer Space , whether manned or unmanned, including the constituent parts thereof, its Launch Vehicle and the parts thereof, including those that do not reach the Space Operations Area.
Registration: The set of legal procedures whereby data and information of Space Object are entered into the National Register of Space Objects in the Kingdom as well as the International Register in accordance with the governing International Convention.
Launch: The process of sending or attempting to send Space Object to or through the Space Operations Area into the Outer Space, including all necessary preparations and activities at the launch site, such as propellers and their means, launch vehicles and their components, and any other physical elements manufactured or used in this process, up to and including the separation of payload from the head of Space Object.
Launch Vehicle: A Space Object used for the purpose of transporting a payload to or through the Space Operations Area and returning therefrom, whether or not that flight is orbital, sub-orbital, or over the Earth's orbit.
Launch Site: Site designated as a launching point as specified in the license issued by the Commission, including all facilities and infrastructure installations located therein and all that is mandatory and necessary for the Launch to take place, and which provides for the operational processes of spacecrafts or a set of carrier rocket facilities..
Impact Area: The area affected by the separable parts of Launch Vehicles, including the piece of land on which the used or separated elements fall from the Space Object and any fragments that fall during flight or landing.
Re-entry - Return -: The process of returning or attempting to return a Space Object from Outer Space or Space Operations Area, including all the stages, preparations and maneuvers necessary for its Re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere until it is settled on the Earth.
Payload: The undertaking made by any person to launch into Outer Space, whether an individual, living creature, equipment or other objects, by means of Space Object, including any components designed for that purpose or associated therewith.
Space Activities: Space and sub-orbital operations, as explained in Article 4(1) of the Law.
Space-Related Activities: Space Activities Supporting Flights and High-Altitude Activities.
High-Altitude Activities: Activities, operations and flights at an altitude higher than air traffic control range - Airspace - and lower than Space Operations Area.
Space Activities Supporting Flights: Any flight in the Airspace of the Kingdom which does not meet the definition of Space Activities and which can be described as a Launch or Re-entry activity and is intended to support Space Activities and relevant experiments and training.
Astronomically-Advantageous Area: Geographical area(s) identified and registered by the Commission and managed, protected and allocated in accordance with the provisions of the Law and Regulations, and has features that make it suitable for the advancement of astronomy and promotion of other related scientific efforts.
Space Systems: Set of orbital and ground-based technical facilities that are functionally relevant to the launch of Space Objects and Space Vehicles, launch sites and launchers, aimed at solving any missions in Outer Space or Space Operations Area.
Space Data: Data that results from Space Activities or Space-Related Activities.
Satellite Navigation Systems: Satellites designed to determine coordinates, time and geographical altitudes, and identify and measure change in speed, time, direction and motion of surface, water and air objects.
Earth Remote Sensing: Remote operations aimed at collecting, monitoring and receiving information about the Earth through the review and measurement of radiation and reflections of elements of the Earth's surface and its structure, research of its natural resources, descriptions, oceans and atmosphere, and the conduct of environmental and human surveys, for scientific, social, economic, defense and security purposes, through all surveys carried out in space.
Spacecraft: Technical device designed to be launched into Outer Space or Space Operations Area for exploration or operation, including suborbital rockets.
Space Flight: Space activity whereby Space Object transport a Payload to, through or back from Space Operations Area to the Outer Space or Re-entry of the same, whether by orbital, suborbital or supra-terrestrial flight.
Damage: Loss of life, personal injury or other damage to health or the environment; loss or damage of property of States, natural or juridical persons or of intergovernmental organizations, caused by Space Activity.
Incident: An event resulting from Space Activities or Space-related Activities that affects or is likely to affect the safety of such activities, or the operation of a spacecraft, space object, payload, carrier rocket or launch vehicle, or that causes or is likely to cause damage to a person or to any objects or property in the atmosphere or on the surface of the Earth, where the damage caused by this incident does not reach the level of the accident and the circumstances surrounding it do not indicate the imminent occurrence of the accident.
Accident: An event resulting from Space Activities or Space-related Activities that results in the death of, or serious damage to, or serious injury to a person, or that results in the destruction or serious damage to a space object, spacecraft, payload, carrier rocket or launch vehicle, or that results in the destruction or serious damage to any objects or property in the atmosphere or on the Earth's surface.
Space Debris: A Space Object that has no role or purpose, including the remains thereof, and the materials, waste, or fragments resulting therefrom in the Outer Space, Earth's orbit, or inside the Earth's atmosphere.
Space Resources: Any non-living resources present in the Outer Space, including minerals and water.
Space Nuclear Power Sources: Devices used in space energy-generating activities which use nuclear material, radioisotopes or nuclear reactor.
Dual-Use Goods: Goods and technologies of shared civil, commercial and military uses.
Person:Natural or juristic person.
License: A Document issued by the Commission to a person authorizing him/her to carry out the activities listed therein in accordance with the conditions, procedures, approvals, requirements and instructions described therein or in its appendices, including experimental licenses.
Permit: A Document issued by the Commission to a person in accordance with the provisions of the Law and Regulations before starting any activity or work for which a License is required under the provisions of this Law.
Operator: A person holding a License to engage in and be independently liable for the Space Activities and operations set out under Article (4/First) of this Law in accordance with the provisions of Chapter Four hereof.
Primary Data Operator: Any person entrusted with programming of a satellite Earth observation system or receiving Earth observation data from the Outer Space.
Licensed Person: A person holding a License to engage in the Space-related Activities set out under Article (4/Second) of this Law without being independently liable in accordance with Chapter Four of this Law, and to whom the liability provisions commensurate with the nature of the activities carried out by him or her as determined by the Regulations apply.
Control:Owning a controlling share or percentage in an entity of a person, directly or indirectly equivalent to 5% or more of the capital or voting rights, or the ability to exercise significant influence over the management and decisions of that person.
Article Two
Law Objectives
This Law aims to establish following:
Article Three
Scope of Application
The provisions of this Law shall apply to Space Activities and other Space-related Activities that are carried out as follows:
Article Five
Scientific Research & Development Activities and Incentive Programs
Chapter Three
Article Six
Space Activity Licenses
Article Seven
Licenses for Providing Satellite Communications Services
Article Eight
Licenses for Manned Space Flight Activities
Subject to the provisions of Article Six of the Law, the Regulations shall specify the conditions and requirements which the Operator or the Licensed Person shall comply with before involving any natural person in a Space Flight, including but not limited to:
Article Nine
Licenses for Earth Remote Sensing and Space Monitoring Activities, and Space Data Operators
Article Ten
Licenses for Use of Space Nuclear Power Sources
and Dual-Use Goods
Article Eleven
Licenses for Space Resources
Article Twelve
Licenses for High-Altitude Activities
Article Thirteen
Astronomically-Advantageous Area
The Commission shall regulate and protect areas that have an astronomical advantage; and coordinate in this regard with the scientific, academic and research entities to promote and support astronomical science and activities, and issue licenses related to the uses of these areas. To this effect, the Commission may take the following measures:
Article Fourteen:
Sustainability of Space Activity
Article Fifteen
Import and Export Provisions
Chapter Four:
Liability, Insurance and Warranties
Article Sixteen
Operator's Liability for Damages
Article Eighteen
Insurance and Guarantees
3. For the purposes of this Article, the Regulations shall set the necessary criteria for liability insurance requirements in relation to Space Activities. Such criteria shall include, without limitation, the minimum period prescribed by type and nature of each activity, or the maximum possible loss, and limits of insurance coverage. Updates for the same shall be published periodically as may be determined by the Commission
Article NineteenMiscellaneous Provisions Pertaining to Liability1- The Operator shall be held liable for compensation for damage that may be caused by its activity to natural persons or property aboard that Space Object during the activity of the Manned Space Flight based on the agreements concluded in this regard.2- If the Operator uses one of the Kingdom's launch sites inside or outside the Territory or uses any of its property and space infrastructure facilities, the Operator shall conclude special agreement with the owner of the facility or launch site in coordination with the Commission stipulating the limits of liability between the parties for any damage that may be caused to the Kingdom, its facilities or property.3- Upon determination of compensation, the following shall be observed:A. The provisions of Paragraphs (A and B) of Article (17/2) of the Law have been established.B. Size of the Launch Vehicle or any other Space Object launched from it, technical specifications, technical difficulties and circumstances surrounding the launch site and local and foreign insurance markets.C. Factsheet and reports of the initiator of the launch or re-entry.D. Trajectory curve of the launched or re-entered Space Object.E. Any other objective factors that determine the percentage of risk or error in the occurrence of the accident related to compensation.4- The right to claim compensation from the Kingdom shall be extinguished if the aggrieved party does not file the claim within one year after the day following the date on which the damage occurred, or the day following the date on which the person or the responsible party became aware of it, or if reasonable circumstances and presumptions exist to satisfy the fact of knowledge referred to in this paragraph.5- In all other cases not covered by the provisions of this Chapter, the Operator shall be liable for any damage resulting from the activities carried out by the Operator.
Article Twenty FourControl and InspectionWithout prejudice to the necessary protection of trade secrets and information concerning the Operator or Licensed Person, control and inspection procedures shall be in accordance with the following: 1- The Commission shall, in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulations, assign to the inspectors all that is mandatory and necessary to ensure that every person complies with the provisions of the Law and its Regulations. The inspector shall have the right to enter any establishment of any person and to conduct interviews with the officials of the establishment or site subject matter of his assignment.2- The inspector may issue reports and prepare recommendations, and present any risks identified and the results of these visits in accordance with the assigned plan. The Governor or his designee may take the appropriate legal decisions based on the results of these reports.3- It is prohibited for any person to obstruct the work of the inspector or refrain from cooperating with him in providing information, data and clarifications related to the scope of his work as may be mandatory and necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Law and Regulations and any technical requirements or standards issued by the Commission.4- The Commission may set any additional requirements of the inspector or within the scope of inspection in accordance with the provisions of this Article to ensure compliance with the licenses or permits issued by it. The Commission may, under its supervision, assign inspection tasks, or some of them, to a person who has the necessary expertise and technical qualification on a contractual or cooperative basis.5- In applying the provisions of this Chapter, the Commission shall take into account aspects related to advance planning and adequate qualification of the employees concerned; and that such procedures shall be conducted in a transparent and professional manner that supports the requirements of trust and commitment
Article Twenty SixGrievance Procedures1- Any person may appeal to the Chairman of the Board against the decision issued by the Commission within sixty days from the date of being notified or informed thereof. The grievance must be decided within ninety days from the date of submission by a reasoned decision issued by the Chairman of the Board. The lapse of this period without response is considered rejection.2- The Committee shall be formed by a resolution of the Board and shall consist of at least three members with experience and competence in the Space Sector and its activities, whether from the employees of the Commission or others, provided that they include law adviser. The Committee shall be competent to:a) Decide on grievances, decisions and procedures arising from the application of the provisions of this Law and the Regulations.b) Resolve disputes and violations resulting from the application of the provisions of this Law and Regulations by means of alternative and consensual dispute resolution. The adopted decision shall be final and not subject to any judicial review.c) Impose penalties and order additional claims that are requested in accordance with the provisions of the Law. d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, the parties of interest or the concerned person may file a grievance with the Committee within thirty days from the date of being notified or informed of the rejection decision issued by the Chairman of the Board or by lapse of the period set to decide on it, otherwise the decision shall be considered final.3- The parties of interest or the concerned person may file a grievance against the decisions of the Committee before the competent court within sixty days from the date of being notified or informed of the decision, otherwise the decision shall be considered final.4- The Board shall issue the regulations and procedures of the Committee and the rules necessary to implement the provisions of this Article.
Article Twenty NinePublication and Entry into Force1- This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force one hundred and eighty days after the date of its publication.2- Subject to the provisions of Article Twenty Seven of the Law, the Board shall issue the Implementing Regulations of the Law based on the proposal of the Governor.3- This Law shall repeal any contradictory provisions.
Last update: 06 November 2022
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