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ProjectPageLayOutIconThe Implementing Regulation of the Personal Data Protection Law

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    Article 1: Definitions
    Article 2: Personal or Family Use
    Article 3: Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data
    Article 4: General Provisions of Data Subject Rights
    Article 5: Right to be Informed
    Article 6: Right of Access to Personal Data
    Article 7: Right to Request Access to Personal Data
    Article 8: Right to Request Correction of Personal Data
    Article 9: Right to Request Destruction of Personal Data
    Article 10: Anonymization
    Article 11: Means of Communication
    Article 12: Consent
    Article 13: Consent withdrawal
    Article 14: Legal Guardian
    Article 15: Processing to Serve the Actual Interest of Data Subject
    Article 16: Collecting Data from Third Parties.
    Article 17: Processing for Legitimate Interest
    Article 18: Choosing the Data Processor
    Article 19: Processing of Personal Data for Secondary Use
    Article 20: Data Minimisation
    Article 21: Disclosure of Personal Data
    Article 22: Controls for Processing Personal Data for Public Interest Purposes
    Article 23: Correction of Personal Data
    Article 24: Information Security
    Article 25: Notification of Personal Data Breach
    Article 26: Assessment of Potential Impacts and Risks
    Article 27: Processing of Health Data
    Article 28: Processing of Credit Data
    Article 29: Processing of Data for Advertising or Awareness Purposes
    Article 30: Direct Marketing
    Article 31: Collection and Processing of Data for Scientific, Research, or Statistical Purposes
    Article 32: Photographing or Copying Official Documents that Reveal the Identity of Data Subjects
    Article 33: Transfer or Disclosure of Data to Entity outside the Kingdom
    Article 34: Data Protection Officer
    Article 35: Records of Personal Data Processing Activities
    Article 36: National Register of Controllers
    Article 37: Accreditation bodies
    Article 38: Licensing of Audit Entities
    Article 39: Filing and Processing Complaints
    Article 40: Publication and Enforcement

Last update: 10 July 2023

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