The following expressions and terms, wherever mentioned in the Law, shall have the meanings assigned against each of them, unless the context requires otherwise:
Kingdom: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Law: This National Radio Spectrum Law.
Implementing Regulation: The implementing regulation of the Law.
Technical Regulations: Any rules, plans, directives, procedures, regulatory rules, conditions, requirements and standards of a technical nature issued by the Commission.
Board of Directors: the board of directors of the Communications, Space and Technology Commission.
Commission: The Communications, Space and Technology Commission, being the government entity responsible for regulating, managing, supervising and licensing the use of Radio Spectrum in the Kingdom and will exercise its functions in accordance with the objectives and principles set out in the Law and the Implementing Regulation.
Radio Spectrum: The part of the electromagnetic spectrum lower than 3,000 Gigahertz, such part is defined as radio waves, including the set of frequency bands mentioned in the International Radio Regulations and the National Frequency Allocation Table.
Wireless Devices: Any wireless devices, or wireless broadcasting sensitive equipment, or apparatus and equipment which causes interference, and any equipment, apparatus, products, tools, machines, or any other materials, which are connected to Radiocommunication Services or whose use may affect the technical capability for the provision of Radiocommunication Services.
Emerging Technologies: Technical innovations that represent a progressive development within a certain field, and which create a competitive advantage over prevailing technologies.
Harmful Interference: A harmful effect of radio waves propagating from any thermal emission, radiation, electrical induction, or transmission that harms the use, efficiency, or operation of the Wireless Devices, wireless communication systems, or other devices which are sensitive to radio waves.
International Radio Regulations: The regulations published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in relation to the use of Radio Spectrum containing the rules agreed by the ITU member states, as amended from time to time.
Person: A person with a physical or juristic capacity, or a public or private entity.
License: A document issued by the Commission to one or more Persons for the right to access and use a specified part of Radio Spectrum, and any of the resources relating to the Radio Spectrum if applicable, subject to compliance with certain terms and conditions relating to such use.
Licensee: the Person who has obtained a License from the Commission in accordance with the Law, Implementing Regulation and any relevant Technical Regulations.
User: A Person who uses Radio Spectrum.
National Frequency Allocation Table: A document which describes the allocation of frequency bands in the Kingdom for Radiocommunication Services in accordance with the International Radio Regulations, which may include other information relating to conditions for use of frequency bands.
Frequency Reallocation: A process carried out by the Commission to change the Radiocommunication Service or technology or change usage controls in the National Frequency Allocation Table.
National Frequency Register: A register that contains all data relating to the Radio Spectrum used in the Kingdom, and data related to Licenses.
Radiocommunication Services: The types of Radio Spectrum uses as defined in the International Radio Regulations and involves the transmission, emission and/or reception of radio waves.
Orbital Resources: The paths created around any object in space, such resources comprising of orbital locations and orbital paths.
Committee: The committee entrusted with the examination of the violations of the Law.