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GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) is a regional Organization which consists of the National Standards Bodies of GCC member States. One of GSO main functions is to issue Gulf Standards and technical regulations through specialized technical committees (TCs).
GSO Ministerial Committee in its meeting number () held on / / H, which corresponds to / / , has approved the update of Gulf Standard GSO 2528:2022 titled "Cosmetic Products : Technical Regulation of cosmetic and personal care products claims " in Arabic and English languages which was studied through the technical program of GSO Technical Committee for Cosmetics and Personal Care (TC12) in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia schedule . This document will cancel and replace the Gulf Standard GSO 2528:2016.
This Gulf Technical Regulation is concerned with allowed claims criteria for cosmetic products. Cosmetic products containing unacceptable claims according to this regulation may come out of the scope of cosmetic products mentioned in point No. 2.1.
2/1 GSO 1943 “Cosmetic Products – Safety Requirements of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products".
3/1 Cosmetic Products:
Any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good condition or correcting body odors.
3/2 Cosmetic Products Claims:
Any statement whether written, audio, visual, or otherwise aims to directly or indirectly promote, sell or market products.
3/3 Unacceptable Claims:
Claims that do not comply with the definition of cosmetic product and basic criteria for cosmetic products claims, including Claims of treating medical conditions, or significant change in body physiological functions or influence the metabolism.
3/4 Primary Cosmetic Products Claim:
Claims that are clearly and prominently mentioned to the consumer and describe the main function of the product.
3/5 Secondary Cosmetic Products Claim:
Claims that describe the other functions of the product in addition to the primary cosmetic products claim.
3/6 Substance (Ingredient):
It can be natural or synthetic, including any added ingredient necessary to maintain the stability of the product, and any minor impurities generated during its manufacture except for any solvent that can be separated without affecting the stability of the product or changing its composition.
3/7 Mixture:
A mixture or solution composed of two or more ingredients.
All cosmetic claims shall meet the general and specific requirements referred in the Gulf Standards and meet to the following criteria:
4/1 Legal Compliance
4/1/1 Cosmetic products claims shall comply with all laws within the Gulf Arab states, and that do not conflict with Islamic values or habits of society.
4/1/2 The acceptability of a claim shall be based on the perception of the average consumer of a cosmetic product taking into account linguistic, social and culture factors in the market.
4/1/3 Claims which convey the idea that a product has a specific benefit when this benefit is mere compliance with minimum legal requirements shall not be allowed.
4/1/4 Claims that indicate that the cosmetic product has been authorized or approved by a Gulf member authority shall not be allowed.
4/2 Truthfulness
4/2/1 Neither the general presentation of the cosmetic product nor individual claims made for the product shall be based on false or irrelevant information. Such as: (free of preservatives), while the product actually contain preservatives.
4/2/2 The cosmetic products claims shall be true.
4/2/3 If a product claims that it contains a specific ingredient, the ingredient shall be deliberately present.
4/2/4 Ingredient claims referring to the properties of a specific ingredient shall not imply that the finished product has the same properties when it does not.
4/2/5 Claims on the label shall have the same meaning in all languages.
4/3 Evidential Support
4/3/1 Claims for cosmetic products, whether explicit or implicit, shall be supported by adequate and verifiable evidence released by the manufacturer, this requires the possibility of linking between references studies used as evidence and product used by the claim, and It should use scientific methods to prove a well designed and followed (true, reliable and reproducible experiment), and respects the ethical considerations
4/3/2 The level of evidence or substantiation shall be consistent with the type of claim being made, in particular for claims where lack of efficacy may cause a safety problem.
(Note: for example, sunscreen products, which claim a certain Sun Protection Factor (SPF), shall have been tested according to the relevant international standards).4/3/3 Assessment of the acceptability of a claim shall be based on the weight of evidence of all studies, data and information available depending on the nature of the claim and the prevailing general knowledge of the consumers.
4/3/4 The product must comply with the technical requirements of a claim according to globally recognized standards/ best practices for the final product.4/4 Honesty
It should not be overstated in view of the performance of the product. In the following are some examples:
4/4/1 The changes to the images before and after use to illustrate the effect of the product.
4/4/2 Claim of "no preservatives" in perfume products as they contain a high amount of alcohol that does not require adding preservatives.
4/4/3 Claims shall not attribute to the product concerned specific (i.e. unique) characteristics if similar products possess the same characteristics.
4/4/4 Presentations of a product's performance shall not go beyond the available supporting evidence.
4/4/5 If the action of a product is linked to specific conditions, such as use in association with other products, this shall be clearly stated.
4/5 Fairness
Claims for cosmetic products shall be objective and shall not denigrate the competitors (such as: better, stronger while referring to competitors), nor shall they denigrate ingredients legally used, unless it relates to a consumer appeal or benefit.
4/6 Informed Decision Making
4/6/1 Claims shall be clear and understandable to the average consumer.
4/6/2 Marketing Specialists shall take into account the understanding level of all categories of consumers when communicating with them, therefore the information directed to the consumer shall be clear, accurate and understandable to all categories of consumers and relevant to the product.
In general release the name of “Anti-aging cream" or “Anti-wrinkle cream" is not a problem as it is a description of the product, provided that they meet the following conditions:
1- The name must not refer to the product effective against wrinkles and sufficient description of the group. For example, Anti-aging/Anti- Wrinkle creams and Anti-aging/Anti-Wrinkle Product are acceptable for cosmetic products,
However, the Anti-aging/Anti-Wrinkle treatment or Anti-aging/Anti-Wrinkle effect These names are unacceptable for cosmetic products.
2- Does not accept the existence of the product name without the presence of an additional explanation in the context of the cosmetically acceptable -according to the Cosmetic definition-, for example: moisturize the skin so that it looks more youthful, reduce the appearance of aging, improve the appearance of wrinkles.etc., these explanations are considered acceptable.
3- Do not add therapeutic or physiological claims or suggestions in the explanation of the product in any way.
Note: in some cases products will be evaluated separately.
يجعل الجلد أكثر شباباً
Makes skin younger
Skin Care Product
يبطئ الشيخوخة أو التقدم في السن
Reduces aging
يبطيء التقدم في السن/ يؤخر الشيخوخة
Slows aging
يمنع التقدم في السن
Prevents aging
يقضي على التقدم في السن
Eliminates aging
يوقف التقدم في السن
Stops aging
إعادة الشباب
Reverses aging
يزيل الندبات والأضرار الناتجة عن الشمس
Removes scars/sun damage
يصلح الضرر الناتج عن الشمس
Repairs sun damage
يعمل على/ أو من داخل
Works on/from the inside
أي إشارة إلى تحفيز أو تنشيط أو تحسين أو زيادة إنتاج أو المساعدة على انتاج الكولاجين، الإيلاستين، الإنزيمات.. الخ
Any sign to stimulate skin synthesis of collagen, elastin, enzymes etc.
مزيل أو يخفف التصبغات
يقلل من مظهر الأوردة والشرايين. الخ
Reduces the appearance of veins, capillaries, etc.
Decongests Skin
يقلل من احتقان الجلد
Decongesting Skin
يزيل احتقان الجلد
أي إشارة إلى مرض الوردية
Any reference to rosacea
تأثير علاجي
Therapeutic effect
- A product which presents itself as antiseptic and antibacterial products for the treatment or prevention of infection and lesions of the skin is likely to be considered as medicinal product by virtue of presentation.
- The Cosmetics Regulation allows for secondary biocidal claims like e.g. antimicrobial claim in cosmetic products where the primary purpose is a cosmetic nature.
- In addition, it is not allowed to use proportions or specifying a type of bacteria.
- The claim 'disinfection' or 'disinfecting action' as a secondary claim is not permitted in cosmetic products.
يقتل مسببات الأمراض
Kills pathogens
يقتل الجراثيم
Kills germs
يقتل البكتيريا المسببة للروائح
Kills bacteria/ odour causing bacteria
معقم / يقضي على البكتيريا
مبيد الفطريات/الجراثيم/الفيروسات
Fungicide/ germicide/ virucide
ينظف الجروح
Cleans cuts (wounds)
الإشارة إلى الميكروبات المسببة للأمراض
Reference to disease-causing organisms
يقتل xx% من البكتيريا
Kills xx% of bacteria
Germ killing action
يحسن الدورة الدموية
Stimulates circulation
أي تلميح أو إشارة إلى منع الأمراض
Any impression or reference to disease prevention
الإشارة إلى إحداث أي تغيير على أدمة الجلد
Any reference to action on dermis
Claims which treat or reduce or eliminate or prevent cellulite are not acceptable as cosmetic products, while claims that improve appearance of cellulite (in ways that are compatible with cosmetic definition and without any physiological effect) they considered acceptable claims.
الإشارة إلى معالجة أو تقليل السيليولايت/تقشير الجلد
Any reference to treatment/reduction of cellulite/orange peel skin
خسارة إنشات من الجسم
Lose inches
يزيل الدهون
Removes fat
إعادة تشكيل
إعادة تشكيل أو تنحيف أو الحد من الترهلات
Restructures or slim the skin
سيليولايت (بطرق غير مقبولة لا تنطبق على مستحضرات التجميل)
Cellulite (unqualified as cosmetic products definition)
تصريف/إذابة الدهون
Lipodraining/Melts fat
يعطي أثر التدخل الجراحي/الطبي
Provides effect of medical/surgical procedure
On the other hand, it's acceptable to:
- Improves acne/pimples appearance.
- Improves the appearance of acne's scars.
- For acne-prone skin.
يمنع حب الشباب
Prevents acne
يشفي من حب الشباب
Heals acne
يعالج حب الشباب
Treats acne
يوقف حب الشباب
Stops acne
أي إشارة للتأثير على النمو الفسيولوجي الشعر
Any reference to effect on physiological growth of hair
يمنع نمو الشعر من جديد
stops hair from growing back
On the other hand, it is acceptable to:
يمنع البقع الجديدة من الظهور/ ينهي تبقع الجلد
Prevents new spots from appearing / Eliminates age spots
تشييد أو إنتاج أو تحفيز أو تجديد الكولاجين/الإيلاستين/ إنزيمات الجلد
Collagen, elastin, and skin enzyme synthesis / replenishment / stimulation/ production
إي إشارة إلى الهرمونات
Any reference to hormones/ phytohormones/phytoestrogens
إصلاح أو إعادة بناء أو تحسين الجلد المتضرر/المتهيج.
Repairs (damaged) skin
ينشط الدورة الدموية/ تدفق الدم إلى العضلات
Stimulates circulation / blood flow to muscles
يرخي العضلات
Relaxes/relieves muscles
يخفف من الم/ تصلب العضلة
Eases muscle pain / stiffness
يحفز نمو الرموش
Stimulates lash growth
مضاد التعرق (للمستحضرات التي لا يكون لها تأثير على التعرق)
Antiperspirant (for products that do not affect perspiration)
يتحكم/ينظم/يمنع العرق (الإفراز الدهني)
Controls/ regulates/ prevents sweat (oil production)
إزالة النمش أو الكلف
Remove freckles or melisma.
. يزيل الجلد المتصلب (الزائد الجلدية) حول الأظافر
Removes cuticles.
On the other hand, it's acceptable to: softening cracked heel.
يعالج أو يشفي تشققات الكعب
Treats Cracked heel
يعالج الطفح الجلدي.
Treats skin rash.
يغذي /يجدد / يستبدل الرطوبة الفسيولوجية للمهبل
Replenishes/ restores / replaces physiological or natural vaginal moisture
External Intimate Hygiene Products
يحسن من الرطوبة الفسيولوجية للمهبل
Enhances natural or physiological vaginal moisture
يغذي /يجدد/يستبدل الرطوبة الفسيولوجية لأنسجة المهبل
Replenishes / restores / replaces natural or physiological moisture from vaginal tissue
يحافظ على توازن درجة الحموضة لمنع العدوى
Balanced pH to prevent infection
يساعد على الحفاظ على المستوى الطبيعي لدرجة الحموضة
Helps maintain normal pH level
تضييق أو انقباض المهبل
Vaginal tightening / contracting
يعزز من حركة الحيوانات المنوية/ يزيد من فرص حدوث الحمل
Enhances sperm motility/improves conception
- Anti-dandruff.
- help to prevent dandruff
The claim “promoting hair growth" usually relates to pharmaceutical products, such as, for instance, those containing minoxidil, an ingredient that is prohibited as a cosmetic ingredient; while the claim “reducing hair loss" usually relates to cosmetic products.
- A product “preventing hair fall", on the other hand, may be a cosmetic product. For more explanation, a product claim "preventing hair fall" via nourishing the hair / hair follicles, which contributes to preventing hair loss, is acceptable due to the hair nourishment factor only.
علاج القشرة
Dandruff treatment
Hair Care Product
ينهي القشرة
Eliminates dandruff permanently
أي إشارة إلى الصلع
Any reference to Alopecia
يعالج، يمنع، يشفي أو يوقف تساقط الشعر
Treats (prevents/heals/stops) hair loss.
استبدال الشعر الرقيق
Replace thinning hair
استعادة خلايا الشعر
Restore hair cells
ينشط نمو الشعر
Stimulates hair growth
اختراق جذور الشعر (أي تأثير تحت فروة الرأس)
Root penetrating (i.e. any action under the scalp)
أي إشارة إلى القمل
Any reference to head lice
أي تلميح على التأثير تحت اللثة
Any implication of effect below the gum line
Mouth Care Product
إزالة/تبييض البقع الدائمة
(الناتجة من استخدام التيتراسيكلين)
Removes/Whitens permanent stains (e.g., tetracycline‐induced) Stains
أي إشارة إلى امراض اللثة أو الأسنان
Any references to the diseases of gum or teeth
يخفف ألم الأسنان واللثة
Relief gum and teeth pain
1- Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 of The European Parliament and of The Council.
2- Manual on The Scope of Application of The Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (Art. 2(1)(A)).
3- Guidelines to Commission Regulation (EU) No 655/2013 laying down common criteria for the justification of claims used in relation to cosmetic products.
4- Guidelines for Cosmetic Advertising and Labelling Claims, February 2006.
5- Guidelines for the Nonprescription and Cosmetic Industry Regarding Non-therapeutic Advertising and Labelling Claims, May 2014.
6- Cosmetic claims guidelines, TGA, May 1997.
7- US FDA Cosmetic Products & Ingredients
Last update: 10 February 2025
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