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ProjTitle.icon Article 12


In order for a firm to fulfill its obligations under Article (52) of the Code, it shall abide by the following:
1- The number of Saudis practicing work of a legal nature at the firm shall be no less than the localization quotas specified for Saudi law firms and professional companies under the relevant laws and decisions.
2- The firm shall develop an annual work plan for knowledge transfer and training, the plan shall obligate the firm to a minimum of:  
a) Twenty (20)  hours of provided training annually to all Saudi employees at the firm practicing work of a legal nature.
b) Adopting a mechanism for secondment of Saudi employees to the firm’s head office or its branches.
c) Implementing a program preparation for the promotion of Saudi employees on technical and administrative tracks.
d) Implementing  a program to train university students and recent graduates in legal work.
e) Participating in holding or sponsoring professional events, conferences, and seminars, in the Kingdom.
f) Publishing specialized scholarly papers and articles in Arabic, or on Saudi law in other languages.
3- Saudi employees shall have actual involvement in all units and departments of the firm and its major projects.
4- Legal counsel work transferred to an office outside the Kingdom shall not exceed 30% of the firm’s advisory work. For ​the purposes of calculating this percentage, the following shall be taken into account:
a) Any work assigned to a person not residing in the Kingdom is considered to be work transferred to an office outside the Kingdom.
b) The transferred work shall be calculated on the basis of fees and costs as a percentage of the firm’s overall work.
c) Advisory work related to non-Saudi law regarding a service outside the kingdom shall not be count. 

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