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ProjTitle.icon CHAPTER 2: Represent a Private Legal Person

Article 47:

The employees of the legal departments of the private legal person shall be considered as a legal representative of the private legal person, after authorizing them from the competent department, under a power of attorney from the authorized person, and a special register shall be established for them in the competent department.

Article 48:

The application for licensing to represent the private legal person shall be submitted electronically, accompanied with the documents and papers specified by the competent department. 

Article 49:

The following is required for licensing to represent the private legal person :

  1. He must have a bachelor's degree in the specialization of Islamic Sharia, or a bachelor's degree in the specialization of Laws from one of the Kingdom's universities, or the equivalent of either of them.
  2. He must be employed by a private legal person under an employment contract in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Law. 

Article 50:

1- The person licensed to represent the private legal person is obligated to the following:

A- The Rules of Professional Conduct for Lawyers and the ethics of the profession stipulated in the Law and its Implementing Regulations and related Laws.

B- Not to represent a person other than the private legal person who is authorized to represent him.

C- Not to impersonate a lawyer, or mislead in the sense that he is a licensed lawyer by any means.

2- The competent department may revoke the license of the person licensed to represent the private legal person and delete him from the register in the event of a violation of the obligations mentioned in paragraph (1) of this article. 

Article 51:

The license of the person licensed to represent the private legal person shall be terminated under a decision by the competent department in the following cases:

  1. The termination of the employment contract with the private legal person.
  2. Issuing a decision to revoke his license and remove him from the register.
  3. Death of the Licensee. 

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