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1. This specific regulation provides the risk management and control measures needed to guarantee that foods intended for public consumption are radiologically safe. It establishes the practical conditions necessary to support taking the proper action in response to radioactivity in foods that occurs in typical circumstances. In these scenarios, consuming foods containing radionuclides over an extended length of time could expose people to radiation for an extended period of time. Exposure could last a lifetime or for a few of years.
6. The individual dose criterion (IDC) shall be equal to 0.1 mSv y-1 effective dose for assessing public health risks from prolonged exposure to radionuclides in foodstuff.
9. The guidance levels of radionuclide concentration in foodstuff shall be established as listed below in Table 2.
10. When considering individual foods and food products contaminated by naturally occurring radionuclides, 95th percentile activity concentration reference levels given by Table 3 shall be used.
Last update: 19 April 2023
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